Speech writing for TED Talks

Speech writing tips for TED talks & presentations

In a TED-style talk, the content is focused into a short time slot, from 5 to 18 minutes:

Long enough to deliver a compelling idea. Short enough to hold attention. Stephanie excels at teaching this speech writing process.

Speech writing tips for TED-style talks:

  • Topic: It’s one big idea
  • It’s personal and compelling
  • There’s a clear flow & underlying theme
  • Graphics are seen, not read
  • Speaker movements are limited

A great talk resonates with the speaker and their audience.

Every talk is different and the presentation only feels authentic if it’s also true for the speaker. Stephanie applies her extensive experience in developing compelling museum exhibitions and shares her speech writing tips to help speakers find their story and how it connects them with their audience. The result is sometimes surprising and often memorable.

For TEDxSanDiego client Dr. Edith Eva Eger, the challenge was sharing a powerful portion of her experience as a holocaust survivor in a 7-minute talk. How do you compress 85 years of a person’s life, especially one with such a gravely significant history, into such a short talk? See what Dr. Eger said. Do you think we were successful?